Sunday, January 8, 2012


So funny story.

I was walking to church today with my roommates.  But waitit gets better.  

As we made our way across campus where church is held, a group of about 3 gentlemen approached us.  In the process of passing them, I made eye contact with one of the guys in the other groupnot a big deal. But just after the moment our eyes met, a small flake from the residual of yestermorn's snowfall fluttered directly into my eye.  While relatively painless, it caused my eye to close momentarily in a winkish fashion, like so.

I did not intend to wink at this young man, though his suit was very nice. It became especially troubling to me after I found this wise internet video:

I didn't mean to flirt.  I hardly even knew him.  I am no hussy.  Most of my time is just really badly timed.  I guess I need to be more careful about when I let objects fall into my eye.


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