Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Old Man Mode: Engage

Yesterday, I went and played football with a bunch of guys from my complex.  We made it rain.  I have actually been wanting to play for a while, so I was happy to get out and do it.  Only one setback:  I had not done anything quite as physically or aerobically demanding in quite a while. This presented a problem for my scrawny, ill-equipped manbody. As fun as it was yesterday, that's where the fun stopped; because now it's time to engage old man mode.

I would guess many of you have experienced ityou go from lying around in your own indolence for weeks at a time to exerting every last bit of your strength in an epic blaze of glory without preparation.  And though the victory is sweet, it fades quickly as it is replaced by old.  Yes old: cramping, bloating, inflexibility, joint pain, back pain, soreness, incontinence...  If an old person suffers from it, you're likely to experience it.  

Today and yesterday have been sore.  Everywhere.  Places I didn't even know I had.  It has made tasks that I usually don't even think about quite difficult and noticeable; things such as rolling over in bed, putting on socks, getting up off the couch, bending over, crossing my legs, scooting in my rolley chair...  I now walk slow and steady, squatty and hunched over with T-Rex arms. Climbing stairs has become an ordeal and nearly impossible without making it look like my bowels are about to move.

So if you see me over the next few days, no I'm not late for the bathroom. I'm just in old man mode.  Sympathy is welcome.  So are massages.

1 comment :

  1. Bahaha! Kameron-T-Rex. Bahahahahaha! Looks like you need some touch function of your own!
