Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Night of the Hunter

Are you prepared for the night of the hunter?!

Well ready or not, it already passed.  So I suppose you were ready enough if you didn’t get hunted to death.  Congrats.  

Though it may evoke images of horror and intrigue, Night of the Hunter’s probably not as exciting as it sounds.  Alas, it is but another name (though a very cool one) for the night of the Autumnal Equinox each year.  This is significant because…

It marks the beginning of fall!

I highly enjoy fall.  It is one of my favorite seasons—definitely in my top four.  And fall has officially fell!  Apart from just being astronomically fall, the fallen signs are beginning to show all around.  I shall now take you through the telltale signs of falling and why I love them so:
  1. The feeling of it.  The air gets this crispness to it that I just love walking and breathing in.  It’s crisp and yummy;  just like a yummy crisp. This also facilitates the wearing of fun fall fashions, but it's not fully freeze-your-face-off freezing for the foreseeable future.
  2. I get hot flashes while I’m walking across campus.  Yes it's that part of the year where while you're in the sun, it's nice and toasty.  But the minute it goes down or is blocked, it's pee-your-pants cold.  Over by the staired entrance to the Eyring Science Center, where I walk several times a day, there are many trees which line the sidewalk.  When the angles and science and stuff are just right, the sun shines through the leaves in patches.  This is essentially like that lava game you play as a kid, but with actual consequences if you hit the lava spots.  When you walk into the patches of sun, it's actually quite hot.  But when you step into the shade of the trees, it's cooler than being cool.  This process repeats over and over again until your skin fries off and you can walk the rest of the way home.  Much like real hot flashes.
  3. I’m feeling fine n fancy fresh (related to hot flashes?).
  4. The look of it.  When everything starts changing colors and there are leaves on the ground… I just wish it lasted longer.  This is the time of year Y-Mountain gets a sweet new look.  It’s also gorgeous if you head up Provo Canyon.  Especially Alpine Loop.  Last year, some friends and I went up and did some photo shoots amidst the changing leaves and I expect to do it again this year (hint hint, friends).
  5. Plans are in full throttle for my Halloween costume.  I love planning/making Halloween costumes.  Cool, huh?
  6. The baseball of it.  The playoffs appear to be shaping up to be amazing this year, so I likely won’t be seen or heard from until the end of October, at which time my life will be over 4 the next 4 months.  If only the Mariners could make it.  Or even come close.  But I digress…
Regress!:  I love fall!

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