Tuesday, September 20, 2011


I simply wanted to say that I know that it is a true book, that it is the word of God.  I know that its origins are divine, as were the means through which it has come to us in these times.  In it is found the Gospel of Jesus Christ, redacted in its original and pure simplicity.  As we bring ourselves to read the words therein—which are indeed the words of Christ—with openness, we will feel the power of the source from whence the book came.  As we bring ourselves to live the teachings found therein, we allow that same power to change us for the better and to strengthen us perpetually.

Mark Twain said, “Truth is the most valuable thing we have.  Let us economize it.”  Therefore, a truth earned and invested is worth a fortune to the proprietor.  The one biggest action we must take to be able to receive truth is to open our hearts and minds so as to be able to receive it.  Truth is not something we force or reason into our consciousness whenever we so desire.  Rather it is something that will enter once we have adequately prepared a place and environment for it.  Then, any search we may go on will become that much more bounteous as all that we find will have a sure place to take root and to grow. 

If you have not read the Book of Mormon, I invite you to do so.  If you have but it has been a while, I encourage you to start again.  If you have and do, keep it up!  The results mentioned above are real, but are contingent upon what we put into the process.

I share my witness of that fact.