Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Have you ever felt like you’ve just had your chest cut open and your heart ripped out?  Like the reason for your very being has abandoned you when you needed it most and you’ll never love again?  I have.  At the end of every baseball season.

I love baseball.  If you watched Game 6 of the World Series this year, you will know why.  If you’re a Mariners fan like I am, you may not.  I like keeping up on stats, player development, the standings—everything.  It has gotten even worse since I got involved in a Fantasy Baseball League a couple of years ago.  ...or better.

Needless to say the close of the 2011 season has been a hard transition for me. Throughout the playoffs, I knew exactly what I would be doing when I got home from work every day.  Now I feel so lost. Luckily, school has got my back.  It was like a good friend who, when seeing my lost and fallen condition, did a great job at keeping me busy to the point of forgetting I ever had any free time whatsoever.  Great, huh ؟
But really luckily I have eggnog at this time of year; it helps to fill the emptiness.  I don’t drink the alcoholic kind, but the heart slowing thickness calms my troubled soul and ends up having about the same effect.  Maybe if I drink enough of it and calculate it just right, I won’t wake up until Spring Training starts up again.  If not, there are more extreme methods.  

Who's with me?

1 comment :

  1. So I was thinking of a way to say hibernate and carbonite at the same time... you know, to combine your extreme methods.

    Carbonate was already taken, and surprisingly has little or nothing to do with Carbonation.

    So I've decided that you can Hibernite all winter. We'll miss you, if you ever figure out exactly what Hibernition is (or how to pronounce it).
