Sunday, August 21, 2011

A Tribute to Mommy

So this weekend, I am up in my hometown of Richland, Washington.  My parents were so kind as to fly me up for a lil getaway before school starts the day after my birthday :(  Yesterday was also my dear mommy's birthday.  My mom likes puns and I am her son, ∴ I also like puns (and rhymes).  About a month ago, I also came up to Washington via automobile.  My parents requested that I keep them updated on my progress along the way.  From time to time, I would send them a text to let them know where I was.  After not too long, my informant texts consisted simply of the city we were passing through while we were passing through it.  My mom would respond.  The following is the tail-end of our text convo as I approached Washington that fateful night.  I post it as a tribute to my mother and to Washington.  Hip hip!

Warning: if you don't like puns, A.)  how dare you  B.)  you may not want to continue.  A knowledge of cities in Northern Oregon and Washington is helpful.  Otherwise, follow the links!

Me:  Oregon!
Mom:  Yeehaw!
M:  Cookies, pies, pastries.
M:  They should hand them out to the passers-through.
M:  It would indeed be La Grande of them.
M:  But it would probably cost a Pendleton of money.
M:  And the Hermit Son would likely expect you to share before letting you pass.
M:  It'll be nice to go to a
Rich Land where none of these things are of concern.
Kenn e wick light your path to the Rich Land?
M:  If we
Pas Co(se) enough I should be able to find my way.
M:  After the
Bent On the city you will Finley be home.
M:  Don't be
Yakima chain!  Seriously?!
M:  *stuttering*
Walla-Walla course I'm serious! Beware Milton's Freewater, though as it will leave you feeling Toppenish and you may wake Sunnyside up in a ditch the next morning ...  Although a Grandview on a nice summer day.
Seattle do me some good.  Unless it Tacoma that I'm going to have.  Then you'll be able to say 'I Spokane you didn't listen.'  That's when my face will be Red Mon(d).

It's okay to be jealous.  Happy Birthday, Mom!

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