Monday, December 17, 2012

An Unexpected Journey

So... The Hobbit.  What more needs to be said?  Nothing.

Just kidding.  I’ll say a little bit more.  But not about The Hobbit.  Enough has been said.  I’ll talk about somethings else:  the subtitle to The Hobbit:  An Unexpected Journey, and its release date.  Both of these carry a roundaboutely connected significance to me.  December 12-14th are the official release dates for The Hobbit in the majority of the world.  If we find the mean of these release dates, that is December 13th (see my math?).  So.  On average, on December 13th, Señor Bilbo Baggins will embark on An Unexpected Journey.  One that will change him and his perspective forever.  One that will take him to strange lands where he will encounter dangerous creatures and magical magic.  My connection to this was An Unexpected Journey I also embarked on on the same date a few years back.  I also went to strange lands where I encountered dangerous creatures and magical magic.  And empanadas.  And arroz con habichuelas.  And cheap sastres.  

That’s right.  X years ago, I embarked on a mission to the Dominican Republic.  In more ways than one, it truly was a journey that led me to an unexpected place.  Its effects were far reaching and its worth immeasurable.  Suffice it to say that I love the time I spent there and it taught me so much.    Pero na’.  E’ pa’lante que vamo’.  

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