Monday, October 31, 2011

Chicken But

As some of you may know, I am no spring chicken.  But sometimes I question my status as a summer or fall chicken, or whatever comes next in the chicken hierarchy.  Case in point:

Today in my Writing in Psychology class, a group of students was doing a presentation on grammar and punctuation usage; they were doing a very good job (I learned that semi-colon trick from their presentation [also that hyphenation]).  After a few minutes, they went into a discussion about conjunctions.  The girl that was explaining the principle had several example sentences on the board of their proper usage.  She then asked if someone could come up with another sentence that used a conjunction.  Someone offered an example using the word 'so.'  In response, another one of my classmates politely commented, "I would use but."  The girl presenting didn't hear the second comment, and she asked one of the other presenters what was said.  The response:  "She likes but."   

Um.  Lol.  I looked around but only one other guy was laughing, and that was only after he saw me laugh and realized what was said.  I suppose maturity's not one of my strong suits...

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