Thursday, July 28, 2011

Oops. I just blogged.

So before I say anything else, blog is a gross word.

If I were to base my decision to start one on just having heard the word, it’s probably not something I would have ever consented to doing.  For example, if someone asked me if I blogged, I would try and blame it on my roommate.  If someone asked me if I wanted to blog, I’d slap them and probably say no.  Instead of being the term chosen to represent a socially acceptable media outlet, I would expect to hear the term blog in the following sentences or situations:

      “Oops, I just blogged.”
      “Oops, I just blogulated.”
      A portmanteau for something weird.
      An onomatopoeia for when someone gets punched in the gut or
      stabbed.  Or vomits.
      Sweet nothings whispered into someone else’s ear.  If you’re
      into that sort of thing.

Having said that, I do love the idea of a blog.  I am a man who loves to think.  Given the right situation, I also love to share my thoughts, reason being that it helps me to better understand them myself.  And I think they’re usually pretty cool (credit being given to the act through which the conclusions and lessons are drawn and not to the concluder).  I have decided with my very own thoughts that sharing thinkage is a very effective way of learning.  Case in point is as follows:

The other day, I was reading something, the subject of which was something controversial.  After finishing the reading, I started to think about what my own opinion was on the matter.  I quickly realized that I didn’t think I could adequately express one off the top of my head, if one even existed to express.  Then I began to wonder what I would say if someone asked me what my opinion was on the subject.  This led me to try and figure out how I felt and how I would explain it to them.  This hypothetical role playing amidst staring out the window at work actually really helped me to realize: 1.) what it was I believed, 2.) the reasoning behind this belief and 3.) most imporant/deliciously broke down my vague thought clump into easier-to-understand, mentally-bite-sized, Cohesive Pieces©.

It also reminded me of something one of my Spanish teachers taught us repeatedly.  Ready yourselves for the profundities.  He always had us explain to our partners the concepts that he would teach us in class.  While it seemed pointless and annoying at the time, he always told us afterwards that if you really want to understand something, you must teach it.  This is obvious (now), because if you are going to try and explain an unfamiliar concept to someone, you have to understand it well enough to be able to relate it on a level and in a way that your audience will be sure to understand.  This implies that the one who teaches is savvy enough on the subject that he will be able to do so.  We have to make ourselves that way before we can expect to either be that way or teach that way.

So now I have a blog.  I figure if other people are reading what I want to write about, it'll motivate me to think more fully about what I want to portray, therefore learning more in the process.  It'll also be fun to document things that happen to/with me.  Thus, my reason for starting a blog may be a little selfish, but I hope you'll forgive me.  If not, you can deal with it. 

This, my friends, concludes a short foray into the mind of Kameron.  I won’t attempt to explain what goes on in my mind too much on here, as it probably wouldn’t consist of too much more than Tony Perkis playing baseball in a field of guacamole.  But I will attempt to share some of what comes out of it.  I hope that the opportunity of being able to catalogue life events and lessons motivates me to do so, and I hope that the prospect of sharing them with others will encourage me to give them the consideration and appreciation that they really do deserve.  Maybe not the ideal motivation for it, but if it gets it done, that’s what’s most important to me and my *bllloooggg* will have served its purpose.  :)