Monday, May 7, 2012

Word Nerd

This summer I’m studying for the GRE.  Exciting, huh?

Actually, yeah.  For me, at least.  Well.  Partially.

 I really like words.  A large section of the GRE deals with:  you got it.  Woooords.  This means that in preparation for this all-important test, I get to learn lots and lots of new vocabulary and word structure and prefixes and suffixes and roots and I’m giddy as a schoolgirl.  Maybe even giddier.  As we speak/you read, I’m sitting here trying to figure out ways that I can make the optimal flash cards for all of my new words to carry with me and study as I walk across campus.  Nerdy?  Possibly.  Meritorious?  Palmary?  Sagacious?  Politic?  Copacetic?  Sapient?  Perspicacious?  Pulchritudinous?  Indubitably. 

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